Corporate Social Responsibility

Home Corporate Social Responsibility

CSR Initiatives

Being a corporate house associated with real estate industry, we understand our corporate social responsibility. We take this opportunity to think beyond business domain. The sole objective of our CSR initiative is to repay our debts to the society which has given has everything.

Children's Day

Blanket distribution to workers

Chirstmas Celebration 2018

Corporate Social Responsibility

Our Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR)

CSR Philosophy

Exotica Housing fosters a culture of caring, trust and continuous learning while meeting the expectations of all stakeholders and society at large. As a responsible Corporate Citizen, the Company contributes towards inclusive growth by empowering communities and accelerating development. The Company’s CSR Policy framework details the mechanisms for undertaking various programs for the benefit of the community.

CSR Policy Objective

Exotica Housing is committed to conduct its business in a socially responsible, ethical and environmentally friendly manner and to continuously work towards improving quality of life of the communities in its operational areas.

  • To have a measurable positive impact on the socio-economic status of the local community in our area of operation.
  • To develop relationships of mutual trust with the community and achieve inclusive growth.


The responsibility for compliance with this policy lies with the CSR Committee, the Directors, Chief Executive Officer, Senior Managers and all employees and consultants working for Exotica Housing.

CSR Verticals

  • Education - may include but not limited to support to educational Institutions, educational programs & nurturing talent at various levels for disadvantaged youth.
  • Healthcare - May Include vaccination of construction laborer’s children and imparting education about prenatal and postnatal procedures.
  • Environment - We actively work towards reducing pressure on natural resources by adopting an effective pro-environment stance alongside adhering to eco-conservationist standards.
  • Women Empowerment - Uplifting the lives of women enables them with essential skills which has helps them to avail work opportunities and earn for well-being.
  • Children Development - Arranging crèche for children of the construction laborers


CSR program will be undertaken by the Company in identified areas. The Company will undertake need assessments as and when required.

  • The time period/duration over which a particular program will be spread, will depend on its nature, extent of coverage and the intended impact of the program.
  • The Company may enter into partnerships with the government, business partners and communities to create multiplier effect of its social programs.
  • The mode of implementation of CSR programs will include a combination of direct implementation and / or through partners such as NGOs, Trusts, academic institutions, business associates, registered societies etc. The Company will select its partners after appropriate due diligence.

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